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A Dolls House

검색어 입력폼
Henrik Ibsen
책소개 스파크노츠로 문학과 셰익스피어를 배운다! SPARKNOTES STUDY GUIDES- LITERATURE & SHAKESPEARE SERIES. 스파크노츠 스터디 가이드 문학과 셰익스피어 시리즈는 셰익스피어를 비롯한 고대 클래식부터 현대 클래식 소설까지 총망라되어 있으며, 영어논술 대비 및 SAT 시험 대비에...
  • A Dolls House-독후감
    A Dolls House-독후감
    A Doll’s House is a play written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879. Henrik Johan Ibsen was born on March 20th, 1828, in the small port town of Skien, Norway. At the age of 15, Ibsen left home to become the apprentice to a pharmacist and began writing plays. In 1850, Ibsen moved to Christiania (now called Oslo, the capital city of Norway) to study medicine at the University, but he did not pass the entrance exam. Instead, he continued to write. He published his first play, Catiline, under the pseudonym Brynjolf Bjarme, soon followed by The Burial Mound, Ibsen’s first play to be produced.  
    독후감/창작| 2020.12.19| 1 페이지| 1,500원| 조회(22)
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